Friday 27 July 2012

Medicinal Uses Of Grapes

It is one of the best fruits that can be given to people of age groups be it a patient , children, old age, weak or grows as perennial creeper, grows on the wooden structures, leaves are round pentacular, fruits grow in bunches.

Chemical Composition

Fresh fruit-contains glucose, tannins, citric acid, and malic acids. And it also contains alkalis such as sodium, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate, iron etc
Dried fruit- carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus etc.and tannins..
Ripe fruit-purgative, cool, beneficial for eyes, and nutritious,it's juice is sweet and is good for voice, has cleansing properties, which helps clen urine, stool, it promotes potency cures cough, helps cure thirst,fever, and breathing problems,asthma,gout, jaundice, liver diseases,bleeding diathesis, burning sensation, anti tuberculosis, anti diabetic.
Unripe and sour grapes should not be taken as they can cause dosha prakopa ie vitiation of doshas in our body .
Dried fruit ie kishmish-is sweet,cool, enhances potency,improves palate, cures breathing problems, beneficial in heart pain, bleeding diathesis , tuberculosis. Voice problems, thirst,vata and pitta, it also removes the bitter taste of mouth.
The following are some of the uses grapes in various disease conditions.

Mouth problems-

Foul smell of mouth due to indigestion can be managed with give 5-10gms of munakka  everyday.
Faintness, unconsciousness
Take equal quantity of grapes and amla are boiled and the crushed,shuntichurna is added to that mixture given to the patient.


100-200gm munakka is roasted in ghee and little rock salt is sprinkled on it,and given 5-10gm of it everyday.
Munakka(8-10)gm, sugar candy 10gm liquorice,are grinded, their inhalation is given to the patient.

Cough,breathing problem,asthma

Decoction of 8-10munakka pieces, and haritaki(harada) is prepared, sugar candy , honey are added to it, this mixture is given to patient.

Dry cough

Grapes,indian goosberry,dates,long pepper(pippali),black pepper,are taken in equal quantity  grinded together and given to the patient.


10ml of grape juice with a gram of harada powder is given 2times a day, cures all throat problems.
in case of constipation, 10-20 munakka are boiled in 200ml of milk and given for purgation.


equal quantities of grapes, harad are grinded in equal q. of sugar and 1gm tablets are made, and 2 times with cures acidity, burning sensation of throat, and indigestion, thirst.

bleeding piles

The grape bunches are taken in earthen pot.they are heated till they burn into ashes(black),3-6gm of ash with same quantity of sugar candy,is given  with 250ml.fresh cows milk,helps in curing the boils within 7days.

To put on healthy weight-

10-20gm of munakka is taken everyday morning followed by glass of milk on it. helps the body to be strong, acts as analgesic.

burning sensation , thirst-

10-20 pieces of munakkas are taken and soaked in a cup of water overnight,nextday they are crushed and water is strained, little amt of cumin seed powder , sugar candy is added to it and taken.

high fever

 -Grape juice taken daily,helps in curing burning sensation ,fever .
 -tablets prepared out of munakka ,black pepper, and rock salt mixture, these are kept in mouth.
 -the fine paste is made out of equal quantity of munakka and indian goosberry and little amount of ghee is added to it, and the paste is kept in mouth frequently.

bleeding diathesis

The decoction of 10 gm kishmish , 100ml milk ,and water  about640milk is made, till it remains only 160ml.and to the remaining sugar candy is added.and given to the patient.
grape juice 50-100ml, with 10ml of ghee and 20gm sugar is useful in curing bleeding diathesis.

Monday 25 June 2012

Frozen shoulder

Nowadays  the people who have diabetes ,stroke, lung and heart diseases often developed the pain and stiffness of one of the shoulder is generally known as "Frozen shoulder".the most common victims of this disorder are females of age group 40-60 yrs .  
        Frozen shoulder is medically known as adhesive capsulitis is a clinical condition where the surrounding tissues of shoulder (glenohumeral joint)becomes  inflamed and stiff, causing severe pain and difficulty in movements of the joint.It is mainly caused due to trauma,or by autoimmune component of bodyattacking with healthy tissue of the body.lack of synovial fluid in the joints also causes this condition.synovitis, rupture of capsule, subacromial bursitis may also cause this condition .
        Ayurveda says this is caused due to previous injury, over excercise, taking more quantities of food items which are dry ,  cold, salty, keeping awake at night, and indigestion the vata Doha gets vitiated absorbs the fluid in the joint, and also constricts the veins (siras) over the area, causing severe pain in the joint.this is condition is called " Apabahukam".

Treatment :

As the disease is caused due to accumulation of toxins in the joints.the treatment should aim to eliminate all toxins and treat the pain and stiffness in shodhana (purification ) is done as initial process.there various procedures for expulsion of vitiated doshas(toxins).
Virechana- will be the better choice.
Nasya. - therapeutic nasal drops are administered, after the abhyanga of face and neck part is called nasyam is very good remedy for Apabahukam .
Basti -basti treatment is done for eliminitating the vitiated vata from the body.kalabasti and yogbasti are good for frozen shoulder.
The therapies like patrapinda swedan, grivabasti/manyabasti  is helpfull in bringing down the pain, and Kerala therapies like elakizhi, pizichil, navarakizhi are also good treating this condition.
      The above therapies with the shamana chikitsa will be better choice for treatment they're Inflammation in joint  is reduced by ,yoga raj guggulu,triphala guggulu r maharanadi guggulu.The pain in the joint is reduced by mahavata vidhwansa rasa, vatagajankush ras,nirgundi, tagar, kurasani.The stiffness can be checked by trayodashang guggulu, ekangaveer ras , and herbs as shallaki, ashwagandha.
Prasaranyadi kashaya 20ml +40ml with lukewarm water , Tab trayodashang guggulu  bid Elakizhi for the one of the combination of treatment for frozen shoulder.


The person should be encouraged to eat unprocessed whole grains, fresh veggies,fruits.adopt healthy eating habits,include vitamin D in diet to strengthen the immune system it will minimise the risk of developing conditions that have an autoimmune component, including frozen shoulder.


Yoga postures help in strengthening the underlying musclesof shoulders,postures like bhujangasana Parvatasana, Gomukhasana ,Tadasana Some special techniques of stretching of muscles of shoulder joint is also been encouraged in this.phisiotherpy, and acupuncture are also helpful for the fast recovery along with the above medicines.

Sunday 10 June 2012

         Medicinal values of Mango

Summer is the season when we can see variety of mangoes coming market . This delicious, sweet fruit is the favourite for many people across the world.perhaps that's the reason why it is called as' king of fruits'. It is grown all over the world for its high demand, although it is native plant of India and eastern islands. These can be grown well in tropical /  high temperature regions.

The  height of mango tree is 40ft -  120ft with 8 -12inch elongated leaves with pointed tip and  nice are in clusters,have greenish yellow in colour.fruits are green at beginning,then turn dark yellow,with reddish tinge on ripening.

Chemical Composition

The pulp contains mainly sucrose with lots of proteins and acids, like malic acid, tartaric acid, and vitamins such as A,C and D, antioxidants like beta-carotene, and also contain bioflavonoids which boosts the immune system in our body.

Ayurveda says mango is kaph pitta shamak i.e. antiphlegmetic and anti bilious,  astringent  promotes healing of ulcers, wounds. Unripe fruit is green in colour, sour in taste and can aggravate tridoshas if not consumed in proper way. Riped fruit is vata pitta shamak.acts like lubricant , strengthen heart, stops bleeding, promotes physical strength, and potency. It helps in inducing physical vigour, enhances the complexion of skin. It nourishes the dhatus(basic constituents), so it is used in emaciation, and prevents premature ageing process of body. Apart from these it used in various diseases in different forms.which as follows.

Teeth problems: Brushing the teeth with tender mango leaves and salt, prevents all germs and bad odour from mouth .and also checks bleeding from gums.

Respiratory disorders:Cough-ripe mango is baked on fire and cooled,slowly sucked cures the dry cough.
Hoarseness of voice-take 40gm of mango leaves and boil in water till it remains 1/4th part add some honey , sip this solution slowly helps in curing voice disturbances .

Digestive disorders
Loss of appetite - 6gm of mango leaves dried in shade and boil them in 250gm of water, when water is reduced to half strain it and little amount of milk and take it in the morning.

Excess of thirst:
Raw mango is cooked and added jaggery in it with water and cardamom powder relieves thirst in summer.

Take 5.5gm of kernel of mango and is cooked in water(100gm) and add mango seed ,the mixture is blend and given with curd and rice.
Equal quantities of kernels of mango seed and pulp are mixed well given 1gm 3times a day.
Juice of flowers with curds 1-2teaspoonis helpful.
Take young fresh mango plant ,blend it with curd to form paste, apply this paste around the stomach area can help in relieving in pain and diarrhoea .
Diarrhoea with bleeding-25ml of mango leaf extract with 12gms of each honey and milk and 6gm of ghee, mixed well given.
Diarrhoea in children -the kernels of mango are roasted and powdered .1-2gms with honey should be given twice a day.

Mango pulp preparation is very helpfully in colitis .
50gm of fresh mango pulp with sweet curd, and dry ginger or asafoetida powder is good remedy for colitis.

Intestinal worms300gms-500mg of powder of unripe mango seeds with curd /yogurt or water every morning and evening, will eliminate all worms.

Female disorders :Metrorrhagia-40 -50gm powder of extract of bark is given to the patient 2times in a day.controls bleeding due to menses, and piles.blended mixture of flower,bark,and decorticated kernel of mango is applied inside the vagina will check leucorrhoea, vaginitis, and lax walls of vagina will gain its normal elasticity.

Male disorders
Mango has many nutritive contents  in it help in enhancing sexual potency in males.
Pain in testes can be cured applying  blend of mangostem. Which has knots.followed by giving some heat to the testes.

Eczema and itching
An extract of mango while plucking them should be applied on affected skin results in formation of boils. Soon these boils swell and burst out. Will be treated by applying it 3-4 times.

Paste of kernel with water is applied on affected area provides immediate  relief.

Hair problems
Leaves of young stems of mango are ground to paste and applied on hair, will help the hair grow long and black.
Peel of unripe fruits and leaves are ground together, paste is mixed with oil and kept under sun. This oil is applied on hair, it checks out the falling of hair, and greying of hair as well.
According to unani, it is important medicine for nervous and blood system,and can be use in anaemia.

Thursday 24 May 2012

 Skin diseases and ayurveda

           skin is largest and the most superficial indriya(sense organ) in our body.according Ayurvedic science, the skin /twacha is considered as matruja avayava ie it is derived from mother or maternal acts as external covering to the entire body and there by providing protection to all underlying organs of our body.apart from this it will help in maintaining the normal body temperature by its absorption and excretion functions in the form sweat when it's body is excess of heat in the body, and by absorbing the heat when required.
       Twaka indriya is predominant of pitta dosha, among the five types of pitta, bhrajaka pitta is responsible for the general well being of skin, which decides the colour and texture of the when this bhrajaka pitta in skin gets vitiated due to various reasons it causes various diseases according to doshic predominance.
                All types of skin diseases are classified under the heading of Kushta in Ayurvedic literature's, ie kushnati angam 'means the one which causes disfigurement of skin on any part of the body is known as Kushta.

 Causes of skin diseases 

  •  Stress -  As we know stress is main cause of all diseases. Majority of skin disorders are also caused by stress. It may be mental or physical.
  • Wrong diet-consuming excess of hot, spicy, fried, oily foods, fermented foods like breads,baked items and vinegar and yogurt if not consumed in proper way causes vitiation of digestive fire, leading to disease prone skin.
  •  Drinking excess of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee,cappuccino.
  • Drinking of unlimited alcohol and smoking is one of the reason of skin lesions.
  •  Indulging in viruddha ahar(incompatible foods) for ex- fish with milk, melons with milk, milk with salt and Curry's, Curds with lots of spices etc are some of the combinations for which not good for health as well as general health if taken for long time.
  • Excessive indulgence of non veg foods like chicken, eggs etc will cause excessive heat production and there by causing indigestion and Ama(toxins) in the body it in turn in long run may produce various skin problems. There are many kinds of skin disorders we have been seeing In the modern times such as acne, pimples, dandruff, eczema, allergic skin problems, psoriasis, leucoderma, vitiligo, mollascum.

Treatment methods for skin diseases

                  Skin diseases should be treated by detoxifying the entire shodhan in Ayurveda there are five main shodhan procedures. The physician should decide the process according to the disesase, and it's severity.The physician should give proper advise regarding diet and life style changes to the patient.
 Choice of herbs -khadira,Aaragwadh, Nima, bakuchi, gokshur, kirattikta, bhunimba are highly effective in treating the skin diseases.
 The formulations like khadiraristam and Aragwadhadi kashaya and aristam , mahatiktak kashaya , guggulu titkak kashaya and grita preparations of above herbs can also be used. The oils. Like chemperutyadi taila, bakuchi tail , karanja taila are used for external application for the various skin disorders.

Monday 7 May 2012

         Siravyadhana (blood letting ) is treatment for various diseases:

           Siravyadhana  explained by ancient Ayurveda can be co-related to Blood letting in modern era.Sushrutha the father of surgery had mentioned the siravyadhana as one of type of raktamokshana(panchakarma).In which the dushta(impure) blood is removed from the body parts to treat the disease.
            blood letting is done by selection of veins which runs above or below the affected that it should not carry the same impure blood to other parts,by the needle or syringe the selected site is punctured and desired amount of blood is drawn.depending on the disease and its severity.

indications of siravyadhana:

                   the diseases caused due to rakta ie all blood related disorders are treated by siravyadhana.they are herpes, abscesses, splenomegally, indigestion,  fever, gingivitis, disease of eyes(redness, irritation), excess of thirst, Psoriasis, gout ,and also nasal bleeding.

sites of siravyadhana:

             siravyadha is done on the affected areas avoiding marma points(vital points mentioned in Ayurveda which when traumated will cause death  )nearby.the points of the siravyadhana are selected according to disease . here are some of the examples for few diseases.

In padadaha(burning feet),vatakantak(heel spur) -- 2 fingers above the kshipra marma (the space between 1st and 2nd  metatarsals) in feet.
In gout ,eczema,                          --2fingers above the kshipra marma (the space between 1st and 2nd metacarpels). in hands.

sciatica(gradhrasi)       --  4 fingers below or above the knee joints

goitre           --- the one at the base of the thighs.

cervical spondylosis -- the space between the two scapulae(shoulders).

Friday 27 April 2012

         High cholesterol  Management

Cholesterol is basically a combination of steroid and alcohol which is lipid in nature. Two third of cholesterol is produced by liver in our body. The primary aim of cholesterol is to aid in production of sex hormones, adrenaline and vitamin D. It also helps in synthesis of bile acids.

Cholesterol in permissible quantities is beneficial in day to day functioning of the human organs but if it rises above the normal levels, it could cause various cardiac diseases and if ignored could turn fatal in the long run.
High cholesterol level is proven to be one of the most common cause for heart attacks all over the world.

Causes for high cholesterol levels :

The following are some of the main causes which increase the cholesterol levels.
· Consuming lots of saturated and trans fats.
· The diseases like Diabetes, where there is constant rise in blood sugar levels and obesity, liver diseases, and some of the thyroid gland conditions.
· some times the disease comes in family, that is Genetics
· Lack of physical activity/exercise is the most common cause.
· Gender -Males are most commonly prone to develop it than females because of estrogen present in them which reduces the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and increases the HDL (good cholesterol).
One should know the main causative factor and treat accordingly.
Causes according to Ayurveda:
         When a person is in stress, mentally (anger, worries, sorrow and greed).physically, if one eats too much , too little in quantity or eats faulty food ,and not maintaining the time gap between the meals,and if the person eats before the digestion of previous food .if one has Indigestion or constipation .All these cause distuebances(imbalance)in 13 types of agnis(digestive fires) mentioned in ayurveda.Which causes accumulation of amavisha, i e toxins in the body, which if not flushed from the system ,it continues to circulate in the body.and at same if the person is having faulty lifestyle such as day sleep, lack of exercise , indulging in fatty foods, and also taking exess of alcohol,will cause the blood vessels to become stiff and clogged.(atherosclerotic changes) resulting in lack proper blood supply to the area.and the organ likely to affect is heart.

diagnosis of high cholesterol:

     it is done by mainly examining the morning blood sample. and it consists following.

  • Total cholesterol –  It is the combination of the following lipoproteins. and should be  200mg/dl
  • HDLcholesterol - is  High density lipoprotein.  And is Good cholesterol. it makes about   20-30% of total cholesterol. it moves the excess of cholesterol from arteries to liver for metabolism, there by reducing serum cholesterol levels. 30-60mg/dl is its normal.
  • LDL cholesterol -  it is low density lipoprotein. And called Bad cholesterol. it is 60-70% of total cholesterol. It builds up plaque inside the arterial walls, 100-190mg/dl is border line.>190 mg/dl is high risk.
  • VLDL   -very low density lipoprotein .which makes 10-15% of total cholesterol. with LDL .it is the main bad cholesterol.
  • Serum triglycerides – should be <180mg/l.
  • Ratio of total cholesterol and HDL  : 
    • <4  - Normal
    • >5 – mild risk of heart disease.
    • >7 – at high risk heart / coronary disorders.


Most of the times, the elevation of cholesterol will not show any symptoms. Many people come to know about it during there routine blood examinations. the higher levels of LDL cause  plaquing in the arteries i.e. is called Atherosclerosis. Which in turn causes Angina (heart attack), and also stroke makes the person hemi/paraplegic.

Treatment measures:
Low fat diet - The patients should stop taking saturated and trans-fats as they are heavy for digestion and disturb the metabolism of fats.
Saturated fats- these are mainly animal fats as butter, hard cheeses, cream, poultry with skin, pork, beef, coconut oil, palm oil.
Trans fats – these are hydrogenated liquid fats, the packaged foods, restaurant fried, backed foods such as pies, pizza, cookies, doughnuts, and pastries, they contain it in the form of hydrogenated / hydrolyzed vegetable oil.

Recommended oils/ fats

“Ghee” – According to Ayurveda, ghee is recommended for all. Even in obesity and high cholesterol. Because it strengthens the agni and regularizes the metabolism. it provides  essential fatty acids to body. and is an antioxidant.
Olive oil – it reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels .in which Extra virgin olive oil is good because it is more natural without processing.

Recommended diet
  • Include whole grains, fresh fruits and fibers. And also butter milk drink by adding natural salt, ginger powder, black pepper, and asafetida.
  • Eat barley and oat meal every day.
  • Eat apples (cooked/raw) in between meals, or at the end of the meals.
  • Eat a handful of almonds and walnuts daily.
  • Eat lots of green leafy vegetables,
  • Have enough  of water i.e. 3litres / day
  • Take onion juice once a day. it reduces LDL .
  • Alcohol and smoking are contraindicated as disturb in metabolism of fat.
Home remedies:
  • Take 2tsp of coriander seeds and boil them in a cup of water. After cooling have it 3times a day.
  • Take 2 garlic cloves everyday empty stomach.
  • Grind curry leaves and have its powder with buttermilk.
  • Boil few cinnamon sticks in water, and have it with honey..
  • Eat few leaves of tulsi (holy basil) everyday; it dissolves the cholesterol deposits in the body.

Herbal decoctions:

Take equal quantities of below herbs and make powder, and have twice a day.
Amalaki(Indian gooseberry)
Phyllanthus niruri(bhumiamla)
Guduchi(tinospora cordifolia)

The Ayurvedic medicines like  ,
Guggulu-(commiphora mukul)is proved to reduce the cholesterol levels  remarkably. without causing any side effects. one can go tripha guggulu.

Arjuna  -(terminalia arjuna) is very good medicine for cholesterol and heart diseases. it can be taken in forms of, Arjunarista, grita, orArjunksheerpaka,which is very good formulation for heart diseases.
Hridayarva ras ,
Prabhakar vati.

Lastly, its very important for the patient to keep colons clean and without constipation where in the Pathology lies. So should use some triphala churna  for easy evacuation of  impurities.


Tuesday 17 April 2012


          Sciatica which is known as  Gradhrasi in Ayurveda literature's, is a group of symptoms occurring as a
result of few medical conditions such as ,slipped disk,piriformis syndrome, pelvic injury, tumours.
          sciatica nerve is longest nerve of body and supplies sensations to the back of the lower extremities
(limbs).If there is any irritation or inflammation of this nerve,and its supporting tissues causes pain ,weakness
numbness in all over the back of affected limb.starting from lumbar region(lower back). to buttocks,back of knee,leg and sole of the foot.


  • consuming excessive vatakara ahara i e the foods which increase vata dosha in body .such as less quantity,dry ,cold,and foods which are bitter, pungent ,astringent in tastes.
  • excess of toxins in body.
  • over exercising.
  • it can also develop due to faulty postures as ,slumping on chair,sleeping in curved position,and lack of exercise.
  • dhatukshaya - its the weakness/ malformation of muscles ,nerves.


  • mild /severe pain starting from back of thighs ,knees,and calf muscles to the sole of the foot.The pain may be associated with tingling sensation and numbness.
  • abnormal sensations or change in sensation in back of buttock ,calf ,and leg.
  • difficulty in walking, and standing.
  • In severe cases,there is inability to walk or stand for longer distances and immobility of leg.


             sometimes the pain of sciatica nerve reduces by its own as time passes.but if not, then one should
follow the below measures.

  1. Diet:  one should follow vatahara hot light, easily digestable" mung khichdi".and avoid extra spicy, heavy items cold drinks junk foods . and include fibres  and fruits in your diet.
  2. Exercise- -practice the asanas like,Makarasana, Markatasana,Bhujangasana,Shalabhasana,oustrasana,ekapadautthanasana, and Ardhpavanuktasana.avoid bending forward till the symptoms reduce.
  3. Medicines-take maha yogaraj guggulu -2tab 2times a day with Maharasnadi kashaya.   tab Mahavatavidhvansa Ras 1tab 3times a day with warm water.for at least a month.
  4. take 50gm of leaves of Nirgundi add 2cups of water to it.and reduce it to half glass.have it 2times a day . it will help i reducing pain.
  5. fenugreek seeds are powdered.and taken 3gms  2times with hot water.
  6. Ajawayan powder(wild celery seeds) -1tsf   ginger powder -1tsf    and  methi powder 1/4 tsf  mixed with 1 -1 tsf of ghee and jaggery.and taken 2times pr day.



massage with  mahanarayan tail  or the sesame oil boiled with  garlic cloves will be  beneficial.


Patra pinda sweda-  fomentation of affected part with the medicated dry and wet herbs in a cloth made as bolus. helps in improving circulation .
Pizhichil -(kayaseka)- is squeezing of medicated warm oil on body by  piece of cloth.helps in increasing circulation and  nourishes the underlying tissues.
Katibasti -therapy where the  black gram dough ring is made and placed on the site of pain or discomfort,and medicated oils made warm and poured into it eases the tension and stiffness of the tissues.


That is infusing /instilling of medicated oil /kashaya into the colons with the specialised instrument called bastiyantra.anuvasana and matra basti are useful in treating the pain,by eliminating toxins of body and healing the lower part of body by reducing vata dosha.


Draining of impure/vitiated blood from affected area by venous puncture.

Agnikarma or dahana karma

The heated rods of gold ,silver, copper ,iron  are applied over the affected site.can also help reducing pain.



Tuesday 10 April 2012

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar faciitis is basically a Vata Vyadhi according to ayurveda, and is called as VATAKANTAK - the pain is
as if "pricked by thorns".
It is the condition in which the Plantar Fascia of foot gets inflamed, causing pain mainly in medial aspect of foot and heel region. Generally it occurs due to very strenuous activities like running or walking for very long distances or walking on uneven surfaces or even standing in one place for longer durations causing trauma to the tissue and fascia in the foot.

At initial stage the pain will be only in the heel region on long standing or during walking but if neglected, the pain spreads in achilles tendon and all along the lining of the foot.

Treatment Measures

  • Stop doing heavy activities which exert a lot of pressure on the foot and rest your feet every now and then.
  • Try some stretching exercises of calf muscles, achilles tendon and foot.
  • Follow "Vatahara Ahara" i.e. light food such as mung soup with mild spices, rice and dal. Avoid fermented food and sour items such as curd, tamarind etc which actually increases the Vata.
  • Sthinika Abhyanga(local massage) by  eranda taila (Castor oil), tila taila (Sesame oil) or any other Vatahara Oil. This should be followed by diping the foot in hot water mixed with salt or Nirgundi Kashaya.
  • Dipping your feet or heel in Tila Taila boiled with garlic also gives much relief if followed for a period of at least ten days. This may be repeated if required.
  • Taking Rasnaerandadi Kashaya and Yogaraj Guggulu is also known to be beneficial.
  • Istika Sweda-where the brick is heated until  it becomes red hot and then pouring kanji(rice water) over it. It's fomentation is given to affected areas. This is proven to be very effective treatment of Vatakantak.
  • Agni Karma (cauterisation) with Panchakola Shalaka can also be followed.
  • Raktavasechan(blood letting) has also been used to treat this.