Thursday 24 May 2012

 Skin diseases and ayurveda

           skin is largest and the most superficial indriya(sense organ) in our body.according Ayurvedic science, the skin /twacha is considered as matruja avayava ie it is derived from mother or maternal acts as external covering to the entire body and there by providing protection to all underlying organs of our body.apart from this it will help in maintaining the normal body temperature by its absorption and excretion functions in the form sweat when it's body is excess of heat in the body, and by absorbing the heat when required.
       Twaka indriya is predominant of pitta dosha, among the five types of pitta, bhrajaka pitta is responsible for the general well being of skin, which decides the colour and texture of the when this bhrajaka pitta in skin gets vitiated due to various reasons it causes various diseases according to doshic predominance.
                All types of skin diseases are classified under the heading of Kushta in Ayurvedic literature's, ie kushnati angam 'means the one which causes disfigurement of skin on any part of the body is known as Kushta.

 Causes of skin diseases 

  •  Stress -  As we know stress is main cause of all diseases. Majority of skin disorders are also caused by stress. It may be mental or physical.
  • Wrong diet-consuming excess of hot, spicy, fried, oily foods, fermented foods like breads,baked items and vinegar and yogurt if not consumed in proper way causes vitiation of digestive fire, leading to disease prone skin.
  •  Drinking excess of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee,cappuccino.
  • Drinking of unlimited alcohol and smoking is one of the reason of skin lesions.
  •  Indulging in viruddha ahar(incompatible foods) for ex- fish with milk, melons with milk, milk with salt and Curry's, Curds with lots of spices etc are some of the combinations for which not good for health as well as general health if taken for long time.
  • Excessive indulgence of non veg foods like chicken, eggs etc will cause excessive heat production and there by causing indigestion and Ama(toxins) in the body it in turn in long run may produce various skin problems. There are many kinds of skin disorders we have been seeing In the modern times such as acne, pimples, dandruff, eczema, allergic skin problems, psoriasis, leucoderma, vitiligo, mollascum.

Treatment methods for skin diseases

                  Skin diseases should be treated by detoxifying the entire shodhan in Ayurveda there are five main shodhan procedures. The physician should decide the process according to the disesase, and it's severity.The physician should give proper advise regarding diet and life style changes to the patient.
 Choice of herbs -khadira,Aaragwadh, Nima, bakuchi, gokshur, kirattikta, bhunimba are highly effective in treating the skin diseases.
 The formulations like khadiraristam and Aragwadhadi kashaya and aristam , mahatiktak kashaya , guggulu titkak kashaya and grita preparations of above herbs can also be used. The oils. Like chemperutyadi taila, bakuchi tail , karanja taila are used for external application for the various skin disorders.

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