Friday 27 April 2012

         High cholesterol  Management

Cholesterol is basically a combination of steroid and alcohol which is lipid in nature. Two third of cholesterol is produced by liver in our body. The primary aim of cholesterol is to aid in production of sex hormones, adrenaline and vitamin D. It also helps in synthesis of bile acids.

Cholesterol in permissible quantities is beneficial in day to day functioning of the human organs but if it rises above the normal levels, it could cause various cardiac diseases and if ignored could turn fatal in the long run.
High cholesterol level is proven to be one of the most common cause for heart attacks all over the world.

Causes for high cholesterol levels :

The following are some of the main causes which increase the cholesterol levels.
· Consuming lots of saturated and trans fats.
· The diseases like Diabetes, where there is constant rise in blood sugar levels and obesity, liver diseases, and some of the thyroid gland conditions.
· some times the disease comes in family, that is Genetics
· Lack of physical activity/exercise is the most common cause.
· Gender -Males are most commonly prone to develop it than females because of estrogen present in them which reduces the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and increases the HDL (good cholesterol).
One should know the main causative factor and treat accordingly.
Causes according to Ayurveda:
         When a person is in stress, mentally (anger, worries, sorrow and greed).physically, if one eats too much , too little in quantity or eats faulty food ,and not maintaining the time gap between the meals,and if the person eats before the digestion of previous food .if one has Indigestion or constipation .All these cause distuebances(imbalance)in 13 types of agnis(digestive fires) mentioned in ayurveda.Which causes accumulation of amavisha, i e toxins in the body, which if not flushed from the system ,it continues to circulate in the body.and at same if the person is having faulty lifestyle such as day sleep, lack of exercise , indulging in fatty foods, and also taking exess of alcohol,will cause the blood vessels to become stiff and clogged.(atherosclerotic changes) resulting in lack proper blood supply to the area.and the organ likely to affect is heart.

diagnosis of high cholesterol:

     it is done by mainly examining the morning blood sample. and it consists following.

  • Total cholesterol –  It is the combination of the following lipoproteins. and should be  200mg/dl
  • HDLcholesterol - is  High density lipoprotein.  And is Good cholesterol. it makes about   20-30% of total cholesterol. it moves the excess of cholesterol from arteries to liver for metabolism, there by reducing serum cholesterol levels. 30-60mg/dl is its normal.
  • LDL cholesterol -  it is low density lipoprotein. And called Bad cholesterol. it is 60-70% of total cholesterol. It builds up plaque inside the arterial walls, 100-190mg/dl is border line.>190 mg/dl is high risk.
  • VLDL   -very low density lipoprotein .which makes 10-15% of total cholesterol. with LDL .it is the main bad cholesterol.
  • Serum triglycerides – should be <180mg/l.
  • Ratio of total cholesterol and HDL  : 
    • <4  - Normal
    • >5 – mild risk of heart disease.
    • >7 – at high risk heart / coronary disorders.


Most of the times, the elevation of cholesterol will not show any symptoms. Many people come to know about it during there routine blood examinations. the higher levels of LDL cause  plaquing in the arteries i.e. is called Atherosclerosis. Which in turn causes Angina (heart attack), and also stroke makes the person hemi/paraplegic.

Treatment measures:
Low fat diet - The patients should stop taking saturated and trans-fats as they are heavy for digestion and disturb the metabolism of fats.
Saturated fats- these are mainly animal fats as butter, hard cheeses, cream, poultry with skin, pork, beef, coconut oil, palm oil.
Trans fats – these are hydrogenated liquid fats, the packaged foods, restaurant fried, backed foods such as pies, pizza, cookies, doughnuts, and pastries, they contain it in the form of hydrogenated / hydrolyzed vegetable oil.

Recommended oils/ fats

“Ghee” – According to Ayurveda, ghee is recommended for all. Even in obesity and high cholesterol. Because it strengthens the agni and regularizes the metabolism. it provides  essential fatty acids to body. and is an antioxidant.
Olive oil – it reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels .in which Extra virgin olive oil is good because it is more natural without processing.

Recommended diet
  • Include whole grains, fresh fruits and fibers. And also butter milk drink by adding natural salt, ginger powder, black pepper, and asafetida.
  • Eat barley and oat meal every day.
  • Eat apples (cooked/raw) in between meals, or at the end of the meals.
  • Eat a handful of almonds and walnuts daily.
  • Eat lots of green leafy vegetables,
  • Have enough  of water i.e. 3litres / day
  • Take onion juice once a day. it reduces LDL .
  • Alcohol and smoking are contraindicated as disturb in metabolism of fat.
Home remedies:
  • Take 2tsp of coriander seeds and boil them in a cup of water. After cooling have it 3times a day.
  • Take 2 garlic cloves everyday empty stomach.
  • Grind curry leaves and have its powder with buttermilk.
  • Boil few cinnamon sticks in water, and have it with honey..
  • Eat few leaves of tulsi (holy basil) everyday; it dissolves the cholesterol deposits in the body.

Herbal decoctions:

Take equal quantities of below herbs and make powder, and have twice a day.
Amalaki(Indian gooseberry)
Phyllanthus niruri(bhumiamla)
Guduchi(tinospora cordifolia)

The Ayurvedic medicines like  ,
Guggulu-(commiphora mukul)is proved to reduce the cholesterol levels  remarkably. without causing any side effects. one can go tripha guggulu.

Arjuna  -(terminalia arjuna) is very good medicine for cholesterol and heart diseases. it can be taken in forms of, Arjunarista, grita, orArjunksheerpaka,which is very good formulation for heart diseases.
Hridayarva ras ,
Prabhakar vati.

Lastly, its very important for the patient to keep colons clean and without constipation where in the Pathology lies. So should use some triphala churna  for easy evacuation of  impurities.


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