Tuesday 17 April 2012


          Sciatica which is known as  Gradhrasi in Ayurveda literature's, is a group of symptoms occurring as a
result of few medical conditions such as ,slipped disk,piriformis syndrome, pelvic injury, tumours.
          sciatica nerve is longest nerve of body and supplies sensations to the back of the lower extremities
(limbs).If there is any irritation or inflammation of this nerve,and its supporting tissues causes pain ,weakness
numbness in all over the back of affected limb.starting from lumbar region(lower back). to buttocks,back of knee,leg and sole of the foot.


  • consuming excessive vatakara ahara i e the foods which increase vata dosha in body .such as less quantity,dry ,cold,and foods which are bitter, pungent ,astringent in tastes.
  • excess of toxins in body.
  • over exercising.
  • it can also develop due to faulty postures as ,slumping on chair,sleeping in curved position,and lack of exercise.
  • dhatukshaya - its the weakness/ malformation of muscles ,nerves.


  • mild /severe pain starting from back of thighs ,knees,and calf muscles to the sole of the foot.The pain may be associated with tingling sensation and numbness.
  • abnormal sensations or change in sensation in back of buttock ,calf ,and leg.
  • difficulty in walking, and standing.
  • In severe cases,there is inability to walk or stand for longer distances and immobility of leg.


             sometimes the pain of sciatica nerve reduces by its own as time passes.but if not, then one should
follow the below measures.

  1. Diet:  one should follow vatahara ahara.ie hot light, easily digestable food.like" mung khichdi".and avoid extra spicy, heavy items cold drinks junk foods . and include fibres  and fruits in your diet.
  2. Exercise- -practice the asanas like,Makarasana, Markatasana,Bhujangasana,Shalabhasana,oustrasana,ekapadautthanasana, and Ardhpavanuktasana.avoid bending forward till the symptoms reduce.
  3. Medicines-take maha yogaraj guggulu -2tab 2times a day with Maharasnadi kashaya.   tab Mahavatavidhvansa Ras 1tab 3times a day with warm water.for at least a month.
  4. take 50gm of leaves of Nirgundi add 2cups of water to it.and reduce it to half glass.have it 2times a day . it will help i reducing pain.
  5. fenugreek seeds are powdered.and taken 3gms  2times with hot water.
  6. Ajawayan powder(wild celery seeds) -1tsf   ginger powder -1tsf    and  methi powder 1/4 tsf  mixed with 1 -1 tsf of ghee and jaggery.and taken 2times pr day.



massage with  mahanarayan tail  or the sesame oil boiled with  garlic cloves will be  beneficial.


Patra pinda sweda-  fomentation of affected part with the medicated dry and wet herbs in a cloth made as bolus. helps in improving circulation .
Pizhichil -(kayaseka)- is squeezing of medicated warm oil on body by  piece of cloth.helps in increasing circulation and  nourishes the underlying tissues.
Katibasti -therapy where the  black gram dough ring is made and placed on the site of pain or discomfort,and medicated oils made warm and poured into it periodically.it eases the tension and stiffness of the tissues.


That is infusing /instilling of medicated oil /kashaya into the colons with the specialised instrument called bastiyantra.anuvasana and matra basti are useful in treating the pain,by eliminating toxins of body and healing the lower part of body by reducing vata dosha.


Draining of impure/vitiated blood from affected area by venous puncture.

Agnikarma or dahana karma

The heated rods of gold ,silver, copper ,iron  are applied over the affected site.can also help reducing pain.



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